Time for a New Year resolution for 2025!
Attend our local chapter meetings the third Wednesday of the month at 2:00pm!!
See you there....
From our President.....

I grew up on a farm in Rupert Idaho and have had firsthand experience with Herford Cattle and when Winter comes I think of this story by Elaine Cannon in her book Adversity. When I face hard things I put my head down and mentally turn and face the storm and it really helps.
“An old cowboy said he had learned life’s most important lessons from Hereford cows. All his life he had worked cattle ranches where winter storms took a heavy toll among the herds. Freezing rains whipped across the prairies. Howling, bitter winds piled snow into enormous drifts. Temperatures might drop quickly to below zero degrees. Flying ice cut into the flesh. In this maelstrom of nature’s violence most cattle would turn their backs to the ice blasts and slowly drift downwind, mile upon mile. Finally, intercepted by a boundary fence, they would pile up against the barrier and die by the scores.
“But the Herefords acted differently. Cattle of this breed would instinctively head into the windward end of the range. There they would stand shoulder-to-shoulder facing the storm’s blast, heads down against its onslaught. (“Mended Hearts will stand with you”’)
“‘You always found the Herefords alive and well,’ said the cowboy.
‘I guess it’s the greatest lesson I ever learned on the prairies—just face life’s storms’” (Adversity [1987], 133–34).
Similarly, if we face up to our individual adversities or hardships, they can become a source of blessing. God will not give us adversities we cannot handle, and he will bless us richly for patiently doing the best we can in the circumstances.

Upcoming Speakers.....
Note: Beginning in 2025 our meetings will begin earlier at 2:00pm
January 15, 2025 Birds of Prey Overview
February 19, 2025 Dee Hartman Discusses her
heart journey
Our monthly meetings are on the third Wednesday of each month in the Meadowlake Medical Plaza 3525 E Louise Dr, Meridian, ID 83642 5th floor conference room starting at 2:00pm. See Google Map of the location
If you have any questions, contact us
Recent Speakers Notes....
If you missed a recent meeting, you can review the speaker's presentation and notes :
October Meeting
November Meeting
Watch on our You Tube Channel
Members of Chapter 380 can access the archive of all past meetings from the Member's Page in the main menu.

Mended Hearts of Boise - Get to know us....
Our mission is to inspire hope and improve the quality of life of heart patients and their families through ongoing peer-to-peer support, education, and advocacy.
Maybe you were recently diagnosed with heart disease or had a heart event. You may have been prescribed a new medication, or just had heart surgery or other medical procedures. Now you might be feeling overwhelmed, scared, confused and alone. We want you to know that no matter what your diagnosis is or how you found us, Mended Hearts® is here to provide support, education and to advocate for you and with you. No one should have to walk this path alone! We are here in person in the Boise area to provide peer support and education as you learn to live with heart disease. We want to walk with you as you journey with a mended heart.
We view managing heart disease as a marathon, not a sprint. Living a healthy life isn’t something we can do in weeks, months or even years; it is something we must work toward throughout our lifetime. We can learn so much from one another and it's not such a lonely journey when you are not alone.

Member's Corner
Get to know our Chapter Members and Their Heart Stories
Tom & Ev Nichol - Going to Extra Mile

"We were doing visits and this guy was out wandering the hall and we stopped and talked to him, for a short while. I thought he might be a doctor.
As it ends up he has dementia and had been in the hospital for almost a month. He was at a grocery store and fell down and somebody called 911 and the ambulance took him to the hospital. He has no family or friends.
On the way out, one of the nurses stopped us and asked us if we could go to Deseret industries and buy him a shirt because he only had one shirt. We went to DI and bought him three shirts and took them back to the hospital. His hair was really long and needed cut so we offered to come back the next day and cut his hair.
About a week later we had a call from the hospital, wanting a guy up on the second floor, do get a haircut. He was from Baker city Oregon with no family in the area and had been in the hospital about as long as the other guy so we came back and cut his hair which really put Mended Hearts on the map amongst the hospital workers.
While haircuts are not typically a part of a Mended Hearts visit, Tom and Ev went the Extra Mile to make a difference in the lives of others."
Our hearts may be mended but they still are filled with compassion and a desire to serve our fellow men!

Diabetes and Your Heart
Provided by Bryan Walters, RN, BRN, CCRP
St Lukes Cardiac Rehab Nampa